1. Station A Knowledge Base
  2. Marketplace
  3. Building and RFP technical questions

What data is required from the buyer to list a project on the Station A marketplace?

We collect location, grid, usage, project, buyer profile and building data to ensure a reliable bidding process.

Below is a sample of the data that can be expected from a buyer to be qualified for a Station A RFP.

RFP Buyer Data

  • What is the primary use of this building?
  • What is the address of your building?
  • Who manages the electricity accounts for your organization? What is their contact info (email, phone)?
  • What is the voltage of the current electricity service?
  • What is the amperage of the current electricity service?
  • (Optional) Please upload a copy of your electrical layout (single line diagram)
  • Are there any areas to avoid for a solar installation at your building? If so, please list them.
  • What clean energy technologies are you interested in for this building?
  • Are you the owner, tenant, or both for the building? How long is your current contract?
  • What is most important for you in selecting a provider for this building?
  • When do you anticipate to kick-off this project?
  • What financing options are you interested in?
  • What is the name of the person with signing authority?
  • What year was your company or organization established?
  • What is the name of the contracting entity for this building?
  • What is the credit rating of your business?
  • What are the goals you are trying to achieve with clean energy?
  • Please upload the roof specs sheet (if available)
  • What is your roof warranty (if any)?
  • What is the age and condition of your roof?
  • If there is a pitch to your roof, can you estimate the angle?